East Coast 2014

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We took the train from Piscataway, New Jersey to Boston where we had a nice visit with Kathy and faily. One outing was with Kathy and Jeff to the Boston Fine Arts Museum.

 One of their special exhibits at the time was a quilt exhibit with quilts of many designs and color combinations.




Then to the Dutch Masters, where we saw this Rembrandt painting of Rev, Johannes Ellison.


Mrs. Ellison



Rembrandt's Woman With a Chain



Jan Steen's Night Feast



Two Boudin beach scenes.



Jan Steen's Night Feast



A Pisarro painting



A Monet painting of Honfleur



Two Corot paintings.



After a break with outdoor lunch (pictured above) we went to American Art section, beginning with a typical salon of the time.



This museum has a number of paintings by John Singer Sargent, including this one, The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit



There were also a number of paintings by Mary Cassatt, which was interesting to us since we had seen the Cassatt-Degas exhibit earlier in the National Gallery. This painting is titled The Tea.



The museum also had a specvial exhibit of Dutch drawings of the 17th century. We had looked at them earlier but Don returned to get some photos.







 After a wonderful time with Kathy and family, it was time for us to leave for home.